Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Chicken McNuggets, French Fries and Comfort Foods

I hate being sick.

It's just the worst. I try like crazy to avoid it, but a couple times a year, it seems like it hunts me down, shoves me into my locker and steals my lunch money.

Living in Virginia doesn't help matters. If you live here or anywhere near here, you know that the weather is capable of doing anything on any particular day. It can be 80 degrees and sunny one day, then 40 degrees and sleeting the very next.

It kills me with my allergies, and it's a wreck on my immune system. Maybe it's because I grew up in Southern California, where you could count on consistent and beautiful weather. Virginia is anything but consistent.

Like I said, I don't get sick often, but when I do, I have a particularly weird pattern that I fall into.

Whenever I don't feel well, and it isn't stomach related, I have quasi-pregnant-lady cravings for McDonald's chicken McNuggets and french fries. Weird, right?

I've been sick for almost four days now, and I swear -- I could eat McNuggets and fries for every meal and probably not get tired of them.

(Sidenote: I'm not pregnant. I promise. No worries.)

Anyway, I know I'm a freak, but I'm willing to bet some of you guys have similar odd "security blankets." Help me feel less weird and tell me what they are.

What are your favorite comfort foods for when you're sick?