Monday, November 26, 2012

Bearded Bloggers Update: Week 4

It's coming down to the wire, people!

On November 1st, I came to you with a vision and a plea. That vision was to raise $1000 for Charity: Water by the end of the month. 

So far, we've raised $750, which is fantastic, but it wasn't the goal.

The goal is $1000, and I believe, wholeheartedly, that it is a goal we can still reach.

When I was coaching basketball, I always felt that it was important that I explained to my players WHY we did what we did, as opposed to just demanding their blind obedience.

Likewise, I think it's important that I explain WHY we're doing what we're doing, and why this is such a big deal.

Almost a billion people, around the world, live their daily lives without clean drinking water. Small children are waking up and bathing in disease infested waters, all while we camp overnight so we can buy massive TVs and computers.

Don't get me wrong. Massive TVs are awesome. But there's a huge crisis, and we're ignoring it.

Please take 3 minutes to watch this video:

I'm asking all of you to please consider giving $1, $5 or even $10. If you can give more, give more. Give as you feel led, but give something.

The rest of the week, I'm going to be solely focused on bringing you updates on the project. I'm excited about being able to post the good news, when we finally reach the mark.

I cannot do this without you! Please give. Please share this post on Twitter and on Facebook. Whatever you do, please don't just read this, then move on and do nothing. You're better than that.