I don't always get involved in raising money for charities, but when I do, it's for a really, really good cause -- and it involves me growing a super sick beard.
Let me back up a tick.
This month, I'm involved with a group of bloggers who are helping to raise money for Charity Water, which is an awesome foundation helping to bring clean, usable water to places around the world where it can be difficult to come by.
I could explain it to you myself, but this short video can do a much better job:
To bring awareness to the cause, I will be doing away with razors for the entire month of November. Sure, me not shaving isn't going to buy water for third world countries, but the goal is to bring awareness and to encourage action.
Along with me, the following gentlemen complete the cast of "Bearded Bloggers:"
Knox McCoy
Joseph Craven
Tyler Tarver
Chad Jones
Matt Wade
Jared Hollier
The whole project was Caleb McNary's idea, who figured, hey -- it's "No Shave November. We're all gonna grow sweet beards anyway, right? So, we might as well do it for a good cause."
And the rest is pretty much history.
So, here's where you come in.
Our goal is to raise $1000 for Charity Water, among our collective readers, friends and family. I think we can do that and then some. I'm not asking you to go nuts. Just give $10. If you feel led, give more. But don't leave it at that. Please encourage everyone you know to help out.
It's really a great cause, and I'd be proud of my readers if they all got behind it.
I will check in, each Saturday, with an updated picture of my super sweet beard, as well as with news on how the project is going.
I think it'll be fun, and I look forward to having you along for the ride.
To get started, you can either click HERE, or on the banner in my right sidebar, which will take you right to our Charity Water giving page. If you have a blog, and you'd like to join in, feel free to copy and paste the graphic and link it to our giving page!
If you donate tweets to the cause, please sure to use the following hashtags: #beardedbloggers and #noshavember. Also, feel free to share pics of your own beard with us, if you decide to get in on the fun yourself!
Thanks in advance for your generosity!