Monday, October 29, 2012

Isle of Man Book Review: 'Community Wins' by Bryan Allain

I've been blogging for almost a year now. But, I almost never got to this point.

Let me rewind back to December of 2011. 

I had just started blogging. I had no real idea what it was or how to do it effectively. I knew my friend Rob and my brother Stephen were doing it, and I enjoyed what they did. I knew I liked writing, and it was a goal of mine to eventually write a book or two.

So, I dove in, headfirst. And I sucked. I didn't know what to write about. I was unfocused. Every now and then, I felt like I hit the bull's eye, but it was few and far between, at best.

I came "this close" to shutting it down for good. I stopped writing for about a month. 

And then it happened.

Through other friends in the blogging community, I found out about Bryan Allain. Specifically, I found out about his book, 31 Days to Finding Your Blogging Mojo. It changed everything. Seriously. If you're a blogger and you've never read it, you need to do yourself a favor and pick it up -- yesterday.

I'm here, today, to tell you that Bryan is back with his second offering, and it's fantastic. The book (which comes in Kindle format), is called Community Wins: 21 Thoughts on Building a Thriving Online Tribe. You can buy it HERE for only $4.99. 

Here's some news that's even greater!

Tomorrow (Tue., Oct. 30, 2012), when Community Wins launches, Bryan's book will be completely FREE, all the way up until Saturday (Nov. 3, 2012).

Community Wins is really a workbook, offering readers valuable "Action Steps" that will give you an opportunity to put his advice into practice.

The book is a total of 60 pages, so it's not a heavy read, but Bryan packs a lot into a little bit of room. 

Another great thing about Community Wins is that it's not just for bloggers. Getting plugged into a community is for everyone. If you're a musician, a public speaker, an actor, a teacher, so on and so forth -- you can only be a better (insert the blank) if you thrive inside a garden of likeminded individuals. 

Bryan's book comes out tomorrow. Because Bryan is a friend of mine, and because I have the utmost respect for the work he does, I'd take it as a personal favor to me if you would grab a copy of his book. If you love it (and I have no doubt that you will), please go the extra mile and leave him a favorable review on Amazon. It really does make a difference, and it gives authors the satisfaction of knowing they've touched lives.

So, to recap, here are the three things I need you to do this week:

1) Go to Amazon, as soon as you leave here, and buy Community Wins.

2) After you read Community Wins, leave a favorable review on Amazon.

3) Sharing is caring. Tweet the following (multiple times, if you feel led):

".@BryanAllain is at it again with #CommunityWins. Check out @kevinrhaggerty's review at TheIsleofMandotNet --"

So, get to it!