Monday, September 24, 2012

A Look Back at My First Six Weeks as a Parent

Before my son, Aidan, was born, I had a lot of people tell me that this website would turn into a "daddy blog," because of my pride and pre-occupation with my new, baby boy.

I scoffed at those suggestions, but it was mainly out of complete ignorance in regard to what my life would become after the birth of a child.

I still don't know that you'll ever see a total changeover here at, but there definitely has been an influence.

If you have kids, you feel me.

It's been six weeks since Aidan was born, and I wanted to recap the highs, the lows, the good, the bad and the ugly:
The first two weeks were like being dropped in a war zone with little to no training.

There were nights when I don't think either of us slept at all. In fact, from the time we went to the hospital to the time we came home, there was a 72 hour window where we didn't sleep a wink.

It was really stressful, but it was nothing compared to what was in store for us when we got home.

For the first time, we were in charge. Just us. No nurses to come in and check on us and tell us how to get him to stop crying.

And he cried -- a lot.

I felt like we were doing everything wrong. I never had time to work, and my business suffered because of it.  There were several times when both Kim's and my mom had to come over and pull "grandma duty," giving us the opportunity to either rest or take care of things that demanded our attention.

I felt weak and vulnerable. I felt stupid. I felt like it would never end.

Somewhere along the way, things started to change. He started to sleep more consistently, and so did we. He was less cranky. He was on more of a schedule.

Life became a little more liveable.

Things still aren't back to normal. I'm not sure they ever will be. But, I wouldn't change a thing.

Aidan is now just over six weeks old and pushing 11 pounds. He's starting to smile all the time, with his eyes open I might add. He knows who we are. He responds to us. And, I'll just go ahead and say that I know he loves me, but he ADORES his mommy.

And, you know what? I'm okay with that. I actually really enjoy watching their dynamic. It's incredible. They smile and talk to each other (he coos, but we're counting it). They have a bond, and it's really special to see.

I'm head over heels for the kid. My life is forever changed, and it's never been better. I'd do anything for him. He and Kim are my world.

Parenthood is pretty great.

Here are some pictures:

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