Thursday, September 27, 2012

Best Blogs Posts of the Week

This dog won an award. These blog posts are award-worthy. Dude on the left makes me laugh.

For the past month, I've been living in a war zone.

As most of you know, we had our first son, Aidan, on August 11th. The combination of that experience, us learning to how to be parents and me trying to launch my new business has resulted in it feeling like I've been living underwater.

As a result, I've drastically fallen behind on almost every aspect of my life. Specifically, I've slacked on my social networking, as a whole.

I used to read several blog posts a day from authors I respected and enjoyed. Anymore, I'm lucky if I can read a couple posts a week.

Last night, I got caught up, and I happened upon some real gems.

I thought I'd be a pal and share those with you:

"To the Bimbos of Wikipedia" by Paul Johnson (aka: "The Good Greatsby") 

"Basketball Boogie Boogaloo" by Ricky Anderson

"The Problem with Staying Safe" by Shawn Smucker

"1 Surefire Way to Better Understand Your Wife" by K.C. Procter

"Bring the Noise???" by Larry "The Deuce" Carter

"Don't Be a Blog Monkey" by Chad Jones

I'm sure I missed some, but those were the ones that really stood out to me.

Now it's your turn.

In the comment section below, I want you to post a link to the best post you wrote this past week(ish). I also want you to post a link to an awesome post someone else wrote. Don't be selfish. You cannot just post something you wrote. Don't be selfish.

If you don't write personally, post two links to posts by other people that really enjoyed.

What posts were your favorites?