If you're seeing this post, I'm either at the hospital with Kim or recovering from the birth process of our son Aidan Robert Haggerty.
Today's guest post is brought to you by Andrea Ward who blogs regularly at Jesus, You and Me. Check out her blog HERE. Follow him on Twitter HERE.
The other day on the way to work, I heard the song "Should Have Been a Cowboy." And I finally understood the first verse. Miss Kitty and Marshall Dillon are from Gunsmoke.
Being born in 1980s, I don't remember it on TV. However, I recently discovered an amazing radio station, and now I listen to Gunsmoke on the radio. (Yes I am cool enough to listen to the old time radio shows.) Anyway, when I made the connection from the programs I listened to and the song, something clicked.
Marshall Dillon never settled down with Miss Kitty because he knew he wouldn't be a good husband. He was, however, an amazing law man who valued and protected the people of Dodge City. Yes, I know he is a fictional character, but they wrote him in a way that appealed to the masses.
So, back in the day a man who sacrificed for the betterment of society was trusted and revered. They believed in a character that didn't get married because he knew he couldn't give enough to a family. They believed in the tension this created, so much that it is still among the longest running series of all time, with a total of 1067 episodes on radio and TV.
What does this have to do with Kevin being a dad?
From this mom of a boy -- to the dad of a boy, I have a word of advice. Raise your son with that integrity, knowledge, and compassion for others. This world needs more dads like you. So, when Aidan has friends over, be their dad too. And when you coach his little league team, be that dad. Whenever you have the opportunity, be that dad. Because the rest of us need another generation like Sheriff Matt Dillon.
Disclaimer: I am not suggesting you would raise him otherwise. I'm just trying to encourage you with the idea that there are many people behind you as a dad!