Thursday, August 9, 2012

Confessions of a Blogger: Thinking about Quitting

Yesterday, you probably noticed I didn't publish a new blog post. Last night, I was sitting on the couch, fairly ready to go to bed, when I realized, I hadn't written anything.

I was this close to saying "screw it" and not writing anything.

I get that way, sometimes. It feels like I'm wasting my time, nobody reads my blog, and it's all for no reason. When I get that way, I think that I will look back on this blog, in five to ten years, and I'll be embarrassed that I ever did this.

How's that for transparency.

Deep down, I know those things aren't completely true. I just get frustrated. So, that's my confession. Sometimes, I think about quitting and shutting this blog down.

I'm not trying to be a downer, I'm just trying to be real with you. I also hope that it sparks an honest discussion here at "The Isle."

It's your turn. Do you have any blogger confessions to own up to?