Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why I Went Back On A Diet

Photo by Flickr user puuikibeach

One of the things I read about when we first found that Kim was pregnant, was the phenomenon concerning something called "sympathy weight gain."

This process involves the husband of an expecting mother actually gaining weight right along with his partner, as she packs on the pounds to provide for the gestating life inside of her.

I thought it was stupid. Just because my wife is gaining weight doesn't mean I have to get fat. That's avoidable. I would avoid it.

I didn't.

Over the course of the past nine months, I've gained about 15 pounds. Truthfully, even before I gained those 15 pounds, I probably could have stood to shed some pounds.

Was it the pregnancy? Was there something the air that magically traveled from my wife to me and my cells that made me transform into a fat guy?

Of course, not. That's ridiculous.

Really, it came down to several factors. Kim being pregnant certainly was one of them. For the past nine months, her food inhibitions have gone by the wayside. She has wanted sweets and fattening foods in ways I've never seen her want them before.

So we bought more Oreos and ice cream. We ate at McDonald's and Chick-Fil-A more often. And I ate all of it, right along with her.

On top of that, I've been pretty stressed out within the past year. I lost my job and have been vexed about what I was going to do and how I was going to provide for my family.

I'm a stress eater. It's true.

All of this combined to me eating like somebody was going to steal my food, on a regular basis. I'm not making excuses. I'm giving you the backstory. 

The fact is that it's not Kim's fault that I gained weight. It's not acceptable that I became unhealthy, becaue I lost my job and was stressed out.

It was my fault. I did this to me, and I'm going ot be the one who has to fix it.

So, last Friday, I went back on the Atkins plan. 

Before you kill and berate me with countless things you've read and heard about Atkins, save it. I've heard it all. Here's what I know:

- I went on Atkins in 2005.
- I lost 55 pounds.
- I had more energy and stamina than I'd ever had in my life. I felt amazing.
- I went to the doctor, while on Atkins, and my health was phenomenal in every regard.
- I kept the weight off for almost a year.

All of that is enough for me. The problem wasn't the diet. the problem is that I got cocky. I started giving myself "cheat days." The days morphed into weeks. The diet became modified to my liking, and, eventually, it all fell apart.

The truth is that I've always had a problem with food and maintaining my weight. I'll never be great at it. I may be on diets the rest of my life, but I can't quit.

I've got a kid coming. He needs to be healthy and to be around for a while. So does Kim. 

It sucks, and I hate it. I want a pizza. I want french fries. I want a chocolate milkshake. I want them all at the same time.

But I'm committed to this, and I'm going to let you guys keep me accountable. From time to time, I'll check in and let you know how it's going.

So far, I've lost about six pounds in four days. My goal is to lose 30 pounds, overall. I'll keep you posted.

What about you? Are you dieting? Trying to save money? Kick a bad habit?

Share with the group!

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