Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I Have a Job. Thanks for Asking.

Photo via Creative Commons user hufse

In March, I was informed that I was not going to be extended a contract for the upcoming year, due to low-enrollment.

Since that point, I've polished up the old resume. I applied for countless jobs. I've made calls. I've sent e-mails. I've stressed. I've worried.

I very nearly fell apart.

During all of it, nothing ever seemed to come together. I received no positive feedback. Every time I thought I had something positive, it ended up being just another false alarm and a disappointment.

So I gave up, and that's when things started to turn around.

I know. That must sound strange. How could the act of giving up result in success?

Sometimes we try too hard. Less is more. When you're constantly trying to make things happen, you just aren't functioning at the rate you need to be.

So I eased off the gas. I stopped sending applications and resumes. I stopped writing e-mails.

But I don't want you to think I just sat around playing video games and eating McDonald's, either.

Since the last day of school, I've been relentlessly trying to snag as many freelance jobs as I could. I've edited, written and designed as a mercenary, and I've made decent money doing it.

Through the journey, I've re-discovered my love for graphic design, specifically website design. I recently launched my own web design, kr graphix. You can check out the website at www.krgraphix.com.

(Sidenote: If you love me and want to help me, you can tell as many people about my website as possible. You can also "LIKE" the kr graphix Facebook page HERE, and ask your friends to do the same. Thanks!)

In short, I have a job.

It's not a traditional job. I don't punch a clock or fill out a time sheet. I don't wear a tie. I don't show up anywhere at 8:00 a.m.

And I've never been happier.

I admit, there's a good deal of uncertainty that comes with it. The work could dry up. It could get scary. I've got insurance to figure out, and various other issues that were taken care of for me by previous employers.

For me, it's worth it.

So, from now on, if you see a classified ad or a job, I appreciate you thinking of me, but I have a job.

I work for myself!

One last thing. I'm excited to announce that I'm officially a contributor for TVasylum.com! Yay for me! My first piece, a recap of the Breaking Bad Season 5 premiere, is currently running on their site. Check it out HERE, leave comments and let your friends know about it!

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