Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Breaking Bad Recap: plus a pregnancy update!

Last week, I proudly announced to you guys that I was going to start writing for TV Asylum, specifically doing recaps for one of my favorite TV shows of all time: Breaking Bad.

Today, TVA is running my recap of the latest episode of this, the fifth season.

It would make my heart happy if you took a few minutes to read the article HERE. Also, while you're over at TV Asylum reading my recap post, I'd be doubly happy if you left a comment. It only takes a few seconds, but it makes authors feel like people give a crap about what they do.

You give a crap about what I do, don't you?


Oh yeah, one more thing. Kim is still pregnant. I'm sure a lot of you have been curious about that, so I thought I'd give you a quick update.

This is week 37. Aidan is now fully formed, and if he were born today, we've been told he'd be as close to being perfectly healthy as possible. 

The nursery is finished, save for one trivial accessory: a baby.

The walls are painted, the crib is up, the rocking chair is in place, I even made Kim a custom nursing stool out of a tree stump. The overnight bag is packed (for the most part). We've made lists. The babyseat is installed. 

We're good to go.

It's cool that you guys have been along for the whole journey. I can't wait till he gets here, so I can share stories and pictures with you.

Are you getting watery-eyed?

Cut it out. Go read my article at TV Asylum.

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