Last Friday night, I was privileged to finally witness a movie that I'd been looking forward to for as long as I can remember hearing about it as a possibility. That movie is "The Avengers."
My brief review is that "The Avengers" rocked. I thought it did start a little slow, and some of the dialogue was cheesy, but you expect that in this kind of film. Once it did get moving, it never stopped.
The action was intense, and I cannot tell you how the chills ran up and down my spine at being able to see all my favorites on screen together.
It was a lot of fun.
I will see the movie again, in the theater, probably multiple times. Yes. It was that good.
None of that will probably be controversial. Here's the part where eyebrows may raise.
After the credits rolled on "The Avengers," my friend Tony looked over to me and made this seemingly blasphemous statement:
"That was better than 'Lord of the Rings!'"My kneejerk reaction was to feel uncomfortable with the comparison. You can't compare action/sci-fi thrillers to LOTR, can you? Isn't it heresy in the geek world?
But, the more I examined the idea, I began to let myself entertain the idea.
Could "The Avengers" possibly be better than "Lord of the Rings?"
First off, I have trouble making the comparison just yet. It's hard to view LOTR as anything but a trilogy. The three movies are, in my mind, inseparable.
So, if you compare "The Avengers" to "LOTR," what movie do you compare it to? I'd guess you'd have to go with "Fellowship of the Rings," since it's the first movie and the beginning of the tale (withstanding Bilbo's tale and all that happened before).
You could compare them collectively, but I think it's too early to do that, due to the fact that there are still several more "Avengers" movies either confirmed or rumored to be made ("Avengers 2," "Ironman 3," "Thor 2," "The Incredible Hulk 2," "Black Widow" -- among others).
I'm not sure that Tony is right. I'm also not totally sure he's wrong. I think it's subjective. I do know that "The Avengers" movie franchise has succeeded in a way that "LOTR" didn't, and here's how:
Marvel allowed me to become acquainted with each and every major character in the plot of this film, before the film even came out.
By producing both the "Ironman" films, "Thor," "Captain America" and "The Incredible Hulk," the franchise gave me a chance to get to know the characters from the perspective in which they'd be presented in the films.
I was familiar with all the characters prior to seeing these films, but it's different seeing them in a live action feature presentation.
By the time we got to the release of "The Avengers," I'd become emotionally attached to all the storylines. Seeing it all come together was like a cinematic ice cream sundae of awesomeness. There were moments where I wanted to cry.
Don't judge me.
So, I'm dancing around the issue and not being direct. You're right, and I'm going to continue doing that. I want you guys to answer for me and help me make up my mind.
Is "The Avengers" better than "Lord of the Rings?"
(Disclaimer: If you have not yet seen "The Avengers," your participation in this discussion is not yet merited. Feel free to observe, but please see the movie before you dive in. Thanks.)
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