Friday, October 14, 2011

The Church is like a ninja

Calm down. I'm not being sacrilegious. Not on purpose, anyway.

The church gets compared to a lot of things. The Bride of Christ. The branches of the tree. Etc, etc, ad nauseum. 

Those comparisons are scriptural and I mean not to denigrate His word. However, the church has become something. It's evolved and taken on a new life that it never had before and perhaps was never meant to have.

We all know that Satan seeks to kill and destroy. He wants to devour you and ruin all that you love. He uses a multitude of weapons that are in his arsenal. Things like TV, music, relationships...rush hour traffic. 

Is it possible that Satan uses the church to infiltrate our families? 

Recently, I had an interesting (and long) conversation with some friends. All of us are active church members who have served or are currently serving in positions of leadership. 

Those positions are not paid positions, but they very well could be. We were honest about our feelings. We've felt jaded, maybe even bitter at points. 

When the church knows you can do something well, there's always a risk that you will be taken advantage of. If we're honest, many Christians will admit they've even "hid their candle under a bushel," for fear that people will find out and want to make them use that talent on a regular basis.

So often, we see Christians who never say anything until it's too late. They take their frustration and stuff it way down, because they're afraid of being labeled as divisive or a troublemaker. 

Ministry requires sacrifice, right? Suck it up. You'll get crowns in Heaven. At least that's what they keep telling you.

That's not the worst part.

I'm taking the gloves off. If you don't like it, feel free to exit the ring.

How many men have neglected spending time with their children because they were leading a community group, teaching a Bible study, helping with an outreach ministry or any other kind of church responsibility?

How many women have put their kids on the backburner so that they can work in the kitchen, volunteer for VBS or any other commitment bestowed upon them?

How many married couples are spending more time at church functions than they are in significant time with each other?

We're missing the point.

Ministry is important. Reaching out to "the least of these" is doing the Lord's work. I don't argue with any of that.

But the truth that often gets buried is that we have a commitment to our own families first. My wife is my church. She is my flock. When we have kids, eventually, they will be as well. That's my priority. That's Biblical.

Your pastor probably won't tell you this on Sunday, but this is a fact: Your family should come first above any church responsibility. That's right. ANY.

The church is a building. Pastors and elders are men (and sometimes women). None of that should ever put a wedge between you and the people who you are called, first and foremost, to minister to.

And that's why I say the church is like a ninja.

Ninjas are sneaky. They work with complete stealth. They are silent killers. Before you even know what's happening, you've got a ninja star in the back of your head (graphic, sorry).

Church, specifically church ministry, can be the same way. No one ever sets off to find an idol to place above their wife and kids. It doesn't happen right away. It's gradual and you never even notice it's happening.

My encouragement to you, today, is to never let it get that far. Feed the homeless, but make sure your family is fed first. Teach a Sunday School, but God forgive you if you're teaching them lessons you haven't taught your kids yet. Counsel married couples, but don't you dare do it if you have things you need to be sitting down with your spouse to discuss and work out.

You will never minister effectively if your marriage isn't right. You will never lead a body correctly if you can't lead your own family.

Do something crazy. If church is becoming a point of tension instead of a sanctuary, stay home next Sunday. Read the Bible together. Pray together. Enjoy each other's company. The church will still be there next week. 

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think. Has Satan ever used the church as a weapon against you and your family?