Monday, July 23, 2012

I Don't Think I Could Live without Cable

Photo used courtesy of Creative Commons user redjar

There are a lot of things I could do without, if I had to.

In the past few months, I've had to seriously evaluate all of that. After losing my job, I sat down with Kim, looked at the budget, and we tried to decide if there was any extraneous "fluff" that could afford to go by the wayside.

One of the things we scrutinized the most closely was cable television.

I should be open and admit that I'm kind of a TV addict. It's nothing out of control. It's not like I go days without showering or put off spending time with my wife, so that I can watch TV.

With that said, I do watch TV a lot.

Last night, Kim and I watched the three-hour Bachelorette season finale, then I stayed up to watch Breaking Bad.

It was great. Honestly. And I know some of you out there are sitting there saying, "TV is overrated. You can be reading a book or building a bookshelf or thinking really deep and intellectual thought."

First off, TV is not overrated. You're overrated.

How do you like them apples?

Second, I'm a professional TV watcher. I'm not like you, so you wouldn't understand, but if I want to read a book, build a bookshelf or think really deep and intellectual thoughts WHILE I'm watching TV, I can totally pull that off.

We hate what we don't understand. Don't hate.

So, once you're over trying to question the awesomeness of TV, your next question might be in regard to why I don't just "cut the cable" and go all internet.

I've thought about it. Hulu is great, and there are also other ways to stream shows off the networks' websites. But there are two reasons why that doesn't get it done for me:

1) It's hard for me to wait till the next day with certain programs. Who wants to watch something like a reality TV show season finale...the next day? Everyone already knows what happened. Avoiding spoilers would be like navigating a minefield. No thanks. 
2) I watch a ton of sports. Although ESPN3 does offer some assistance with this, it's not great, and it really only covers some of live sports. 

At the end of the day, I don't think I could live without cable TV. Think I'm crazy?

What would you have trouble living without? (Don't you dare "Jesus Juke" me.)

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