Monday, July 16, 2012

Ask Me Anything: The Answers!

Photo by Flickr user Alexander Rachmann

Last week, I opened up the floor to you, my awesome readers, and I allowed you to ask me anything that was on your mind.

I have to admit, it was a vulnerable experience. "What if no one asks me anything? I'll look stupid." Yep. I thought that to myself.

Luckily, this was not the case. If anything, it was quite he contrary. Not only did you guys ask questions, but you asked some really good ones. I appreciated that.

Here are my answers:

"Kevin, what made you so passionate about MMA?" - Larry Carter

There's just something beautiful, to me, about the sport. It's so pure. Two men are locked in the cage. They can't go anywhere. You see a true test of their heart and will.

I love the combination of the different disciplines. You've got wrestlers shooting for takedowns, because it's their instinct, yet if they takedown one of the many jiu-jitsu experts in the sport of MMA, they could end up having a short and painful night. Anymore, you cannot survive as a professional mixed martial artist who is only proficient in one background. You have to know it all if you want to survive.

They're great athletes. It's fun to watch.

"Dude, if you could insert yourself as a new character into any fictional story, which one would it be and what impact would your character have? What would their role be and would the story change good/bad because of it?" - K.C. Procter

Wow. You went deep, my friend. ha.

I'm not even totally sure how to answer this, but I'll do my best.

I haven't read the "Hunger Games" books, but I saw the movie. It's a crazy story. I think I'd want to be a character who came in and shut down the games and made it illegal for kids to kill other kids. That's just nonsense.

Does this character already exist?

"How has your Faith been holding up during this transition? Is it waxing or waning in the quiet moments? How do you keep it up and what would you tell others in similar scenarios?

And, if you could be the lovechild of any two superheroes, who would they be and why?" 

- Cole Bradburn

Good question. My faith has been tested tremendously. The truth is that I have my good days and I have my bad ones, but recently, the good far outweighs the bad.

God has provided for us in a way that is humbling and mind-blowing.

What would I tell someone else going through a similar situation? I'd tell them to find a support system. You cannot do this alone. I've been blessed to have a wife and family who were there for me, every step of the way.

Also, don't forget to do fun stuff. It sounds oversimplified, but when you're going through rough patches, it's really important to remember to stop and smell those roses. I don't know what means for you. For me, it has meant turning off all the noise, unplugging, and having special time with my wife.

The last thing I'd say, is that if you're a Christian, you have hope. The Bible says that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. That doesn't mean everything that happens will be good. But it does mean that those things will result in good. Just be patient, have a faith, and TRUST HIM!

"What's an odd talent you're looking forward to teaching your son?" - Ricky Anderson

Shoot. I dunno about an "odd" talent, because I'm not sure if I have any to teach. But I am looking forward to teaching my son to shoot a basketball. That will be really cool!

"Just curious, what is your teaching background? Levels you worked at? States you worked in? What you taught?" - Andrea Ward

I have taught at both the middle and high school level. In the six years I was a teacher, I taught all of the following:

- 6th Grade Math
- 6th Grade English
- 7th Grade English
- High School Graphic Design (9th-12th grades)
- 7th Grade P.E./Health
- 8th Grade P.E./Health
- 9th Grade P.E./Health
- 6th Grade Typing
- 7th Grade Typing
- High School Creative Writing (11th and 12th grades)

I also coached middle school boys basketball, J.V. (9th/10th grade) boys basketball, Varsity baseball.

"Has the loss of your job affected you mentally as not being able to provide your family with a steady income?" - Thomas Mason

For a minute it did. But, Praise God, that period was short lived. I'm grateful now for the ability to provide through web design and other freelance avenues.

"In the future your son comes home and tells you that he only wants to wear cheesy Christian t-shirts. What do you do? What do you do?" - Rob Shepherd

First, I'd probably need to send him to his room. Then, I'd have a talk with Kim and determine where to go from there. Is a child born that way...or is it a choice?

I'm kidding.

But those shirts are "turrible!"

"Do you think I am hawt? Just curious. And it's not like a deal breaker if you don't or anything. ;-) I thought your book was adorable. I am sorry for dropping the ball and not pimping it. I was going crazy planning my son's bar mitzvah! It's over now, and I'm excited to be on your team. IYKWIM." - Renee Jacobson

Sorry, chica. There is room for only one "hawtie" in my heart, and her name is Kim. :)

However, if there ever comes a day when I am asked to vote for the "hawtest" lady Jewish blogger on hte interwebs, you can rest assured that you shall have my vote!

No worries on the book. It's not going anywhere.

"Would you rather be a giant hamster or a tiny rhino? And why?" - Todd Foley

Giant hamster. A tiny rhino would have no idea how to adapt. He would be used to being able to "brute force" his way through things. A giant hamster would have the perfect combination of agility, plus a newly acquired size and power.

It's a no-brainer.

Great question.

Thanks for the questions!

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